
Forum Grenzgänge pt. 4

Caroline Beach & Noah Punkt

Study 23 on standing behind the sun. We’ve had our hands in the sun. For once. We had them. Reaching into the sky. Towards the sun. We gave everything. We reached out as long as we could. No force could weaken our arms. Our muscles and our minds were the strongest versions of themselves.


Caroline Beach & Noah Punkt

Study 23 on standing behind the sun. We’ve had our hands in the sun. For once. We had them. Reaching into the sky. Towards the sun. We gave everything. We reached out as long as we could. No force could weaken our arms. Our muscles and our minds were the strongest versions of themselves.

What is left of it? Do they know the drill? Caroline Beach and Noah Punkt reach out for a new safe haven. Better than five years ago – when they’ve had their hands in the sun –, quicker than before, stronger than before. Potentialismatic Extensional Performismo: in movement, in sound, in word, in a breath.

It’s not an update! It’s 3.0! So set the sails.

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